
Congratulations to all of this year’s scholarship winners!

The winners of the 2024 AAUW Ukiah scholarships have been chosen by the Scholarship Committee.  This was the first year in many that we have a new Scholarship Committee Chair, Michelle Hutchins.  Carole Loudd, Sulin Bell and Ky Mayers rounded out the committee.  The winners will be invited to the Fall Dinner, an we hope we will get to meet them there!


The Ukiah chapter of the American Association of University Women offers scholarships of $1000 each to qualified returning women students at Mendocino College. Students from all sites may apply. AAUW members will select the students they feel best meet their criteria.

Criteria include:

  • 3.0+ Average in at least one full semester of academic classes with a 12 unit load
  • Major in specific discipline, preferably STEM, liberal arts, teaching, public administration
  • Plan to continue to a 4-year school for BS or BA or a specific job category with an associate degree
  • Pursues a clear path from studies to a career goal

Financial need as expressed in a one-page biography which also explains why this education is so important to them and how the scholarship would be used. (judged on both contents and English expression)
Returning to college after a hiatus of at least 5 years

Letter of recommendations, 2 or 3 with at least one from professor

Donations to scholarships should be mailed to:
AAUW Ukiah Branch                                                                                                                                   PO Box 1626                                                                                                                                         Ukiah, CA 95482

with the following type designation(s):
AAUW Funds (includes EF/LAF)
College Scholarship
Tech Trek